MMI Limited, Ashley Road Hale

Scope of works: This project began at the end of 2017 and consists of the installation of a new carpark a commercial site in Hale. We installed cobbles to all the parking bays throughout the carpark (approximately 250m2) and installed kerbs around the full perimeter. Furthermore, we reinstated the full drainage system underneath the carpark which was damaged and redundant prior to our arrival.
Delivery target: Ashley Road, Hale is a 3-month project. Originally, we sent three operatives to site to undertake works but due to the lengthy nature of the cobbling we increased the number of operatives to six.
Key challenge: Due to the bad weather over the winter months, this was causing delay to the works. However, we started making the most of the weekends and worked over Christmas to try and make up any time delays caused by the bad weather.